Fintiri pardons two death row; four life sentence inmates.

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri of Adamawa State has pardoned six prisoners in the Yola jails in honour of the nation’s 2024 Democracy Day.

This is in accordance with his authority granted by Section 212(1)(c) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, as amended, and follows the recommendation of the Adamawa State Advisory Committee on the Prerogative of Mercy.

Humwashi Wonosoiku, the chief press secretary, announced the pardon in a government statement.

Humwashi said those who were spared either life in jail or the death penalty.

Among the recipients are Ali Abdul, Mohammed Goni, and Hapsatu Idi of Yola Old Correctional Centre.
Mai Buba Usman of the Numan Correctional Facility
Yusuf Ali and Babala Benson are inmates at Yola New Correctional Facility.
The governor has also remitted the death sentences of Joseph Eugene and Usman Inuwa to life in prison. Both at Yola Correctional Centre.

Usman Inuwa and Joseph Eugene are those on the death roll who have been pardoned.


The statement said that by virtue of the pardon, ”the Controller of Prisons, Yola, is authorised and commanded, upon receipt of the instrument signed under the hand of His Excellency, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, CON, the Governor of Adamawa State, on the 12th day of June 2024, to discharge the above-named persons from the Yola Prisons by releasing them, and the said instrument shall be a sufficient warrant for so doing”.

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