2027: Peter Obi Speaks Out: “I Never Said I’ll Be Vice President To Anyone”

Labour Party presidential candidate for the 2023 election and politician Peter Obi has responded to claims that his previous TV appearance was misconstrued, stating that certain fifth columnists had used propaganda to intentionally misrepresent his views.

Obi shot down claims that he had committed to run for vice president in the 2027 election in a string of tweets sent from his official X account on Saturday.

Despite rumours to the contrary, he insists that anyone seeking a partnership reveal their genuine goals, and he maintains his commitment to the Labour Party.

He stressed that his goal is not to become president or hold any other high office, but rather to witness the development of Nigeria.

In order to further Nigeria’s progress, Obi has stated that he is prepared to work with anyone who share his goals.

The ex-governor of Anambra State claims he will not be worried with the year 2027 as long as Nigerians continue to face critical issues like poverty, hunger, and insecurity.

“Regarding the interview I gave to News Central TV, I have been bombarded with calls and concerns,” he stated. I made the most of the interview’s opportunity to elaborate on my role. Nonetheless, there are fifth columnists who have twisted the storyline on purpose and used misinformation.

What I stated is on record, so allow me to restate it precisely. While my fellow Nigerians endure starvation, poverty, insecurity, and other critical issues, I refuse to be one of those who are fixated on the year 2027.

“I made it clear that I was willing to collaborate with anybody, so long as their goals weren’t focused on state capture. I made it clear that I am eager to work with anybody who share my goal of helping Nigeria go forward.

Among his stated goals is the re-enrollment of millions of children who are now not in school, and the former governor emphasised his continued dedication to the Labour Party.

No one should negotiate or join forces without first disclosing their real intentions, and I have made it plain that I am still dedicated to the Labour Party. If I do decide to run for government in 2027, it will not be alongside those whose only goal is to win the election or to take the state.

I want them to lay out their plans for lifting millions of kids out of poverty, bringing them back into the classroom, and making sure everyone has access to good food and education.

The misinterpretation of my remarks really surprises me, because my assertion was so clear. It is crystal clear that I have never once expressed my intention to serve as vice president to anyone.

I am willing to collaborate with people who are serious about creating a new Nigeria, as I have said time and time again. “I am already doing what I can to help advance Nigeria, and my dedication to the country will never waver. I also think it’s possible to make a difference without holding any official position,” he added.



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