Opinion: Fintiri stemming the tide of price increase 

By George Kushi

It is imperative that the government intervenes to protect its population from the numerous disloyal members of this society.

It is no longer shocking that the state’s ban on smuggling construction materials and restrictions on transporting grains have drastically lowered the pricing of some goods across the board.

After just six hours of crossing the border a few days before, merchants from neighbouring Cameroon had bought up all the grains, making a profit of almost 100%.

Distant merchants hailed as “biggest rice growers” exacerbated an already terrible situation, despite the fact that Adamawa rice was readily available throughout.

What we call “foreign rice” is actually just polished and exported rice. Things are changing so quickly that prices that were going up are now going down.

This exemplifies how the timing of well-intentioned rules can have a negative effect on the everyday lives of ordinary people.

Maize (corn), a staple crop of Adamawa state, is seeing a price decline, much to the joy of the local population. It was formerly over 50,000 naira but is now below that.

To begin effective initiatives, important measures must be performed. His Excellency has lately declared war on tree-cutting due to deforestation and the slow decline of the flora and fauna under his domain.

The fact that this will ultimately benefit farmers and grazers makes it a worthy deed. This would unquestionably benefit the entire nation and the world.

Another significant issue that needs clarification is the tax on the cattle that are continuously transported to southern markets. Their expulsion from Adamawa for as little as 300 naira each is a well-known practice that allows them to pay 10,000 naira to another state’s administration.

It seems to reason that the animals should have got more than 300, considering the conditions in which they were grazed. Because of Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiru’s astute leadership, the state’s finances will be OK.

Adamawa should receive whatever revenue that is generated there. This government is succeeding where others have failed by looking ahead.

Just by looking at our northern neighbours, you can see that Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri is acting responsibly by preventing the ecological disaster that has destroyed whole forests, left them barren, and perhaps done irreparable harm.

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