Preach peace rather than instigating individual violence, Archbishop Musa charges clergymen.

Archbishop Musa Panti Filibus, PhD, of Nigeria’s Lutheran Church of Christ (LCCN), has called on religious leaders to preach nonviolence instead of instigating violence.

The church’s annual convention took place at the Covenant Ground in Demsa Local Government Area, Adamawa State, where Musa gave the counsel during his closing remarks.

He listed rising insecurity, significant unemployment, high living costs, and political instability as major problems confronting the nation.

Instead of merely condemning the situation and expressing compassion for the victims, he challenged the administration to come up with another solution.

The Archbishop praised his members for their commitment and declared the programming a great success despite the fact that it occurred during a period when the country was coping with multiple problems and obstacles, including as famine and a lack of funds.

The freshly ordained pastors were commended by him, and he admonished them to be firm in Christ and to preach nothing but Jesus Christ, the crucified. “Consult those who are concerned, comfort those who have lost a spouse, make disciples, and call sinners to repentance.”

“Be brave, be kind, and be patient when you lead.” Protect the Holy Spirit’s gifts, correct with love, stand up to wickedness, and proclaim sin. “Keep your attention on Christ, Lord, and never let anything cause you to stray from your divine calling.”

Archbishop Filibus lamented the state of the nation’s finances and urged his people to start modest companies as a means of subsistence.

The claims of a woman’s murder during the meeting were debunked by him using the medium. He called the reports unfounded and manufactured from hell.

“All security agencies have discovered that the lady in question has been found, as well as the one suspected of accompanying her, and that they have been reunited with their family,” he said on top of his earlier statement.

“Aside from individuals who were hurt or died travelling to the conference, there have been no fatalities during the conference itself. Everything else is just hearsay and should be handled as such,” he stated.

He then extended his congratulations to the leaders of the security forces, traditional leaders, members of his congregation, and Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri for their roles in the success of the conference.

New pastor ordinations, holy communion, praise songs, and national prayers were all part of the schedule.

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