Governor Fintiri flagoff eighteen-kilometer Bajabure estate roads.

The 18-kilometer Bajabure Estate Road was officially opened by Governor Fintiri, marking a significant development milestone for Adamawa State.

“This project is a crucial step towards enhancing the local infrastructure and connections,” the governor said during Monday’s flagging-off event. The construction of this road would improve the estate’s internal mobility, as well as the local economy and the quality of life for everyone.

In 2019, this administration’s 11-Point Agenda was unveiled, providing not only a moral but also an intellectual framework. We reduced the development plan to eight items in 2023 after recalibrating it for strategic considerations.

Throughout both the first and second mandates, the provision of infrastructure has consistently occupied the forefront of our objectives due to its paramount significance for our people and the growth and development of our cherished state.

By contributing to the building of this road, we have demonstrated our dedication to fostering growth and improvement in the community. In addition to improving accessibility, better road infrastructure attracts investment, boosts property values, and creates jobs.

More than just laying asphalt, this project signifies progress, wealth, and a brighter future for the people of Bajabure Estate.

We are demonstrating our dedication to fulfilling our campaign promises and the expectations of the voters by opening this route.

Good leadership, accountability, and a strategy for sustained expansion are all on display. This road project reflects the community’s need for better infrastructure and connections, going beyond its status as a mere construction project.

The governor declared that this road project will not only improve mobility, but also provide residents of Bajabure Estate with opportunities for social advancement, business growth, and improved living conditions.

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