Cabinet reshuffle: Fintiri moves four commisioners.

Governor of Adamawa State, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, has declared a little cabinet reform to maximise the effectiveness of his government.

In a statement delivered on Monday in Yola, by the chief press secretary to the governor, Humwashi Wonosoiku.

The announcement said their redeployments would take immediate effect .

The statement titled “Cabinet Reshuffle” states, “His Excellency, the Governor of Adamawa State, Rt. Hon Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, has authorised a small cabinet reshuffle, thus:

The reorganization affects four ministries: Previously serving as Commissioner for Information, Neido Geoffrey Kufulto is now appointed Commissioner of Women Affairs. Wunfe Anthony is now Minister of Transport, a promotion. Previously Commissioner for Entrepreneurship, James Iliya is currently Commissioner for Information.

Now serving as Commissioner at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship is Hamajumba Gatugel. Governor Fintiri said he was sure his commissioners could carry out their new duties, adding,

“This restructure will improve services to the people of Adamawa State and maximize our team’s strengths.” The commissioners should carry out their responsibilities with diligence, the governor said, and he warned against sabotage.

In addition, he urged the commissioners who were impacted to cooperate for a smooth transfer that would take place right away and to keep serving the state with commitment.

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