Eid-el-Kabir: Adamawa Info Commissioner, Iliya felicitate with Governor Fintiri, Muslims

In a harmonious gesture of celebration and unity, the Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Hon. James Iliya, along with its esteemed staff, extend heartfelt felicitations to Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri on the auspicious occasion of Eid El Kabir.

This joyous festival, revered by Muslims worldwide, symbolises sacrifice, compassion, and communal harmony.

In a statement issued on behalf of the Ministry by the permanent secretary, Mr. Solomon Kumangar, Iliya said, “Governor Fintiri is a beacon of leadership in Adamawa State; he exemplifies the spirit of selflessness and service, attributes intrinsic to Eid El Kabir’s ethos. His unwavering commitment to the state’s welfare and progress resonates deeply with the Adamawa State Ministry for Information’s core values.

The institution, as custodians of information, recognises the importance of fostering solidarity and cooperation within the community, mirroring the essence of this sacred festival.

The celebration of Eid al-Kabir transcends religious boundaries, embodying the universal principles of compassion and solidarity. It serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy and generosity towards fellow human beings, irrespective of creed or background.

In extending their warm wishes to Governor Fintiri, the commissioner and staff of the Adamawa State Ministry for Information express their sincere gratitude for his unwavering support towards the advancement of information and orientation in the state.

“The spirit of Eid El Kabir underscores the importance of sacrifice and generosity in fostering societal cohesion and resilience. It serves as a poignant reminder of our shared humanity and collective responsibility towards building a more inclusive and compassionate society, the statement said.

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