Governor Fintiri joins Muslim Ummah in celebrating Eid-el-Kabir

On this Eid-el-Kabir, Adamawa State’s governor, Rt Hon Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, extends heartfelt greetings to the Muslim Ummah in the state and throughout the country.

According to a statement issued by his chief press secretary, Humwashi Wonosoiku, the governor underlined the importance of Muslims celebrating this occasion by encouraging them to follow the example of the prophets Ibrahim and Ismail in terms of sacrifice, obedience, and justice.

In addition, I ask Allah to preserve love, generosity, and forgiveness, as well as to bestow blessings on the faithful.

Governor Fintiri has advised the country’s people not to give up hope and to stay resilient in the face of the current problems.

We are stronger together because of our diversity and our shared humanity. Together, we can build a brighter future for everyone.

Eid-el-Kabir is based on three pillars: faith, persistence, and sacrifice. With these, we can conquer any challenge.

While offering warmest wishes to the Muslim community on this Eid-el-Kabir, the governor urges them to know that his administration is committed to promoting unity, peace, and prosperity in Adamawa State.

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