Explosion Rocks APP Secretariat in Rivers State 

A bomb went off at the Action People’s Party (APP) headquarters in Rivers State’s Port Harcourt.

According to reports, the explosion happened at midnight and broke the window glass close to where it hit.

Two GRA security vehicles and officers have been dispatched to the site by the Rivers State Police Command. The area’s routine operations are also proceeding without a hitch.

Although APP is not well-known in Rivers State, it has lately come to light due to its acquisition and embellishment of a building in Port Harcourt’s affluent neighbourhood, where it will house its secretariat.

Some disgruntled members of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the state allegedly support the party despite their displeasure with the current leadership.

The party’s recent success in Rivers State may be due to more than just this terrible episode.

No one from either side has commented on the incident.

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