Kukah Says One Year Insufficient To Evaluate Tinubu’s Government

President Bola Tinubu’s administration cannot be judged in a year, according to Right Reverend Matthew Kukah, the founder of the Kukah Centre and Bishop of the Sokoto Catholic Diocese.

But he added, the administration must let Nigerians know when it plans to address the nation’s present socioeconomic issues.

Bishop Kukah said as much in an interview with State House Correspondents, not long after meeting with President Bola Tinubu in the Presidential Villa Abuja to talk about a forthcoming event that the Kukah Centre is planning to tackle the subject of national cohesion.

Though the administration is offering answers to the many problems, he added, Nigerians need know when they may expect to feel some respite.

He said Nigerians suffer at different degrees.

A lot of individuals would undoubtedly argue that a year is insufficient to form an opinion. But from where we are all standing, we are all in really challenging circumstances.

Nigerians suffer in different degrees, and these are unintentional pains. But they stem from specific policy choices that, Bishop Kukah said, should eventually be changed to better serve the interests of common people.

Better living circumstances and citizen security are the government’s responsibilities, he said.

“I think that ensuring the security and welfare of common people is the fundamental purpose of government. I think that nobody should be deceived about the extremely terrible times we are in.

Still, there are moments when one has to rejuvenate. Simply said, it takes a long time to create a decent society. One does not do it in a single lifetime. The most crucial thing, in my opinion, is that we carry on with the foundational elements of the things that we believe are being done successfully.

“I have always argued that the government must swiftly enhance communication quality so that Nigerians may at least understand how long it will take before food is ready.”

Regarding the present dilemma in Rivers State, Bishop Kukah expressed confidence that Wike and Fubara will find a solution.

He claims that while the general public is concerned about the events in Rivers State, politicians have a way of settling things.

This is politics. I have great optimism since we common folks cry more than the bereaved. Politicians fixing their issues is what counts.

Rivers State is a place I have a great deal of affection for since I have been there for a very long time. Look, though, politicians are able to work things out when they argue, so don’t be too dramatic. Because Rivers State is not a small portion of Nigeria, I hope and pray that it will reorient itself sooner rather than later.



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